Zen Stories


I have been working on a compilation of Zen Stories. It’s soon to be released, first as an e-book and later as a printed copy.

Once it’s ready, the links will be published here.


Since ancient times in many cultures, the teachings have been told in the form of short stories, which tend to last in memory longer than any other kind of teaching (besides experience). Some of these stories are really inspiring and enlightening, while some of them are hard to grasp.

In this book, I have compiled those stories which have found a place deep into my mind and have meant a change in how I see the world around me. Please remember that these​ stories are not meant to be understood in a literal way, but a more spiritual one. They hope to make your mind ponder about some things you are not used to think of.

I hope you enjoy the following stories, and remember, as the (Zen Buddhist) monk Hạnh said:

“Smile, breathe and go slowly”


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